In News and Information

On January 28, 2025, EFC Attorney Rachel Woods was invited to attend the “New and Emerging Lawyers Roundtable” in Boston, Massachusetts. The event was hosted by the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts and the Massachusetts Chapter of the Federal Bar Association.

Attorney Woods and other attendees collaborated in peer groups to discuss different strategies and approaches to legal scenarios. The working groups included emerging lawyers from throughout the Commonwealth and judges from the District Court and Bankruptcy Court. The federal judges participated with the attorneys by providing valuable feedback and mentorship throughout the exercises. The event was an opportunity for lawyers to hone their critical thinking skills in group settings and network with attorneys and jurists from different regions.

Attorney Woods, a native of the greater Springfield area, has quickly emerged as a rising star in the Western Massachusetts real estate bar. She handles both residential and commercial real estate and is known for her intellect and responsiveness. Any individual or business that requires assistance with a residential or commercial real estate transaction may contact Attorney Rachel T. Woods at

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